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2021qq超拽英文个性签名 No

发布时间:2023-09-05 18:50:02源自:http://www.sjqyx.com作者:芝麻说说阅读(170)

1、There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears. 世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。

2、One of the happiest times in my life was when ME and YOU, became WE. 我一生中最美好的时光是,当我和你成为“我们”。

3、I want to forget you, forget about any of your memory 我想忘掉你了,忘掉关于你的任何记忆。

4、I don't want to be the first one.I want to be the only one. 我不想做第一个,我只想做唯一。

5、I love you none of your business. 我喜欢你,关你什么事。

6、I don't want to wait for you all the time. I'm tired, too 不想一直等你了,我也累了

7、I don't want to be your world, just do your shoulders. 不当你的世界,只做你肩膀。

8、Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer that never gives up. 有时候,成功者只是

9、Love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear 爱情因一个微笑而发生,因一吻而滋长,最后因一滴泪而终结。

10、Tell yourself everyday : I am really great. 每天都告诉自己:我真的很不错!

11、You are a landscape, no need in the scenery inside looking up to others. 你就是一道景色 ,没必要在他人景色里面仰视。

12、No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

13、Your smile is so brilliant你的笑是那么灿烂

14、The success of a person is not to win at the starting point, but to win at the turning point. 成功的人不是赢在起点,而是赢在转折点。

15、Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph. 「爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落」

16、I loved you. I leave you.I'll miss you

17、Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it, and your enemies won’t believe it. 永远无需解释你自己,朋友用不着你解释,敌人也不会相信的。

18、Non voglio essere nel tuo modo, abitudine solitario cerca sempre di guardare. 不想成为你的牵绊、寂寞总要试着习惯看开。

19、lonely kids hides in heart (每一个人心里都藏有一个孤独的孩子)

20、I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on. 我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,是厌倦了所有的依靠。

21、Get over yourself. 【vs】 别自以为是。

22、Accompany you to look afar The Strip for three or five years to spend the rest of my life. 陪你一同眺望远方长街三年五载共度余生。

23、Tough times do not last, but tough people do. 痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。

24、There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together 通过四步就能幸福1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起

25、I can because i think i c

26、An ideal life requires a little love and affection. 理想生活需要一点热爱和心动。

27、Each person as happiness is to be given their own. 每个人的快乐是要自己给的。

28、Just for once I want someone to be afraid of losing Me. 我也想有个人会害怕失去我,哪怕只有一

29、There will be a tear that lets you grow in a twinkling. -----总会有一次流泪,让我们瞬间长大。 ​


31、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成

32、We were just kids in love. 我们曾经只是陷入爱的孩子。

33、就算我卑微,也有资格沉醉。Even if I am humble, also drunk

34、I hope you always find a reason to smile. 我希望你永远都能找到让自己微笑的理由。

35、Like the sun in the morning like what all can start again. 喜欢有阳光的早上,好像什么都可以重新开始。

36、When you I care is a joke (你当我的牵挂是笑话)

37、Without you I cried as a smile. 没了你我把哭当成了笑。

38、You have three choices in life: give in, give up, or give it your all. 人生中有三种选择:投降、放弃或者是全力以赴。

39、Although the relationship is no longer as concerned about it, but how canyou say broken off

40、You are like the stars, like, not only looking up, tired. 你就像看星星一样,得不到,只能仰望着,很累。

41、People did not love has no on

42、Often hit has never been hit 。(经常被打击,从未被打到)

43、After all, tomorrow is another day .毕竟,明天又是崭新的一天。——《飘》玛格丽特·米切尔

44、如果你的心不同我一起做梦 If your heart is different from my dream together

45、I want to pull your hand to accompany you to walk together

46、All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

47、[ Out water slide with a smile ] 微笑着凭眼角流水滑落

48、Youlightupmylife 你照亮我的生命。

49、MaybeIamnotthebest,butItrymybest. 也许我不是最好的,但是我尽了最大的努力。

50、You will never understand love if you are always sane. 【vs】 永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。

51、The fallen petal is intentionally, flowing water is heartless. 落花虽有意,流水却无情

52、It is difficult to forget the love of people, so I have been trying. 很爱的人很难忘记 所以我在一直努力。

53、It is not does not lose heart, has refused stubbornly the heart. 不是不死心,是死不了心。

54、I stayed up to addiction, but it was not in a good night to you. 我熬夜成瘾,却换不来你一句晚安

55、Youth is like cutting onions, and tears poured down all our faces, but we are still happy. 青春就像是切洋葱,我们都泪流满面,却还乐此不疲。

56、My Darling Baby Darling Darling Missing You

57、The original twists and turns, leaving me alone in naive. 原来兜兜转转,只剩我一个人在天真。

58、Do what you love with him/her and fuck the rest. 和有情人做快乐事,别问是劫是缘。

59、I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by. 我想随着一天天过去,我对你的思念也在一天天淡去。

60、How many people are heartless as a person Taoxintaofei, finally piercing. 有多少人没心没肺的为一个人掏心掏肺,最后撕心裂肺。

61、smile is the shortest distance between two people. 微笑是两个人之间最短的距离。

62、People did not forget not to drop, only don't want to forget. 没有忘记不掉的人,只有不愿意忘记的人。

63、Be greedy for others,be more attentive than others. 比别人贪心就要比别人用心。

64、Even if faking tough and cowardly. 即使费尽心力掩饰怯懦胆小。

65、I need someone who won’t give up on me. 我只是需要一个不会放弃我的人。

66、You treasure me and I love you. 你好好珍惜我,我好好把握你。

67、Just don't give up, Russia are then buchibuqi. 只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

68、I need to believe love can last... 我真的想去相信爱是可以长久的。

69、Cowardice is not my style. 懦弱不是我的风格

70、Sometimes, you don't get over things. You just learn to live with the pain. 有时候,我们并非走出了伤痛,不过是学会了带着伤痛继续生活。

71、The coming days would be long. After all, not to the grey-haired 来日方长,终究长不到白发苍苍。

72、From now on,I will expect nothing ,and just take what i get 从现在起,我不在期待什么,只珍惜我所拥有的。

73、Do not say goodbye to me not good-bye, good-bye after.不要对我说再见,再见后就不要再见。

74、See you like the wind.I am a camel that can't cross the desert. 你像风一样就此别过,我是骆驼渡不出沙漠 。

75、Adversity does teach who your real friends are

76、From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just. 从无话不谈到无话可说,只需要一个沉默的瞬间而已。

77、Say goodbye to the depravation of yesterday.告别昨日的颓废

78、Wear masks to kill the world! See you with tenderness... 带上面具杀戮天下!看见你满目柔情

79、Man can conquer nature人定胜天。

80、You are sunshine,Is my distantlight. 你是我的太阳,是我遥不可及的光

81、Of The World's Most Precious And Are Not Eligible And Lost. 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

82、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had. 回不来的东西我只好假装从来没拥有过

83、Please hours fly fast.美好时光最

84、When the heart starts functioning for someone, the brain starts malfunctioning too much. 当一颗心开始为某人运转,大脑功能就开始大面积失灵。

85、If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. 如果你累了,学会休息,而不是放弃。

86、I have always been with You. 我一直都在。

87、Because of love, I began to become timid. 因为喜欢,我开始变得胆怯。

88、I have seen the blue day is the first met you

89、I like you,but just like you 纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初,岁月如故

90、I want someone to understand me ev

91、What matters more is how well he treats you, not how good he is. 重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好。

92、Your name, my mind 你的名字,我的心事

93、just don't want to lose my smile left with pride. 没心没肺地笑 ,只是不想输掉仅剩下的骄傲。

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